
Counseling Center

Ms. Wendy Waldroup

Hi, my name is Wendy Waldroup, and I am the Counselor at Mt. Peak Elementary!

Welcome Back to the Peak for the 2020-2021 school year!   I hope that everyone has had an amazing and restful summer!  We are looking forward to a great year, and I wanted to take a moment to share with you about the Counseling Program here at the Peak and how I will be interacting/working with your students!

  1. Classroom guidance: I will be teaching monthly classroom guidance lessons once a month in each grade level.  These lessons will be taught in a homeroom and streamed to the other classrooms in that grade level due to students needing to stay in the same classroom this year.  I will be teaching Social Emotional lessons that cover various concepts including: self-esteem, friendship, bullying and how to respond, responsibility, respect, and various other topics.  Virtual lessons will also be provided in the link below under SEL lessons (please see Bitmoji Classroom link below).
  2. Check-Ins:  These will be for students who are identified through our Student Assistance Team as needing extra support in various areas.  Individual goals and expectations will be created for each student attending in order to help him/her to reach his/her potential.  A parent notification letter will be sent home with the student before check-ins begin for the student.
  3. Small groups:  Small groups will be limited this year due to COVID requirements. However, I will be able to meet with 2-3 students in a small group when recommended by the student's teacher based on a need that may exist.  Social distancing and masks will be worn during these time to provide protection of all.  A parent permission slip will be sent home before a small group is held which must be returned before meeting in a small group.
  4. Individual counseling:  Despite the fact that I am not able to provide therapy for students, I will be able to provide crisis counseling, as well as, to see an individual at the request of a teacher, parent, or administrator for a limited number of times.  In addition, students who attend virtually may click on the link provided in the bitmoji classroom below! This link includes SEL virtual guidance lessons, a form to request individual counseling for virtual students, and additional information.

Click this LINK to go to the Counselor's Bitmoji Classroom.

Please let me know if I can be of help or answer any questions that may arise!  Thank you so much for your support and partnership in helping your student to be successful!