
Our Nurse & Clinic Information

Olivia McDonald, RN

Welcome to the Mt. Peak Elementary School Nurse web page. Here you will find our current school guidelines regarding exclusions to school.  Please feel free to contact me at 469.856.6310 regarding any health concerns you may have for your child while attending Mt. Peak Elementary.

Attending school on a regular basis is important for each child’s academic and social development. If your child is absent, it is harder to keep up with his/her classwork.  

A student with any of the following symptoms will be excluded from school until such time as the student is free of symptoms, has been satisfactorily treated or submits a signed physician’s statement that he/she is not contagious. 

  • Temperature of 100 degrees or more. Student must be fever free for 24 hours, without medication, before re-entry.
  • Undetermined rash over any part of the body accompanied by fever
  • ​​​​​​​Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Student must be symptom free for 24 hours without medication before re-entry.
  • Red, draining eyes.
  • Intense itching with signs and symptoms of secondary infection.
  • Open, draining lesions.
  • Jaundice

For readmission, some diseases may require a statement from the student’s physician affirming that the student is not contagious.
If your child has any of the previously mentioned symptoms or conditions in the morning before coming to school, please keep the child at home. A child should remain at home until he/she is clear of fever or symptoms for 24 hours.

If your child requires any medical care or medication while at school, please visit the MISD Health and Wellness web page to view all forms that will need to be completed.  A licensed healthcare provider will have to sign forms for any prescription medication.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Nurse McDonald